Top 7 Home Remedies for Wheat Allergy

Wheat Allergy Treatment

Do you know a few people are allergic to wheat and the staple food initiates allergic reaction when ingested? Wheat allergy refers to a condition in which there is an allergic reaction to food items having wheat as an ingredient. The reaction initiates due to consumption of wheat and sometimes it occurs due to inhalation of wheat flour also. The management of the condition involves strict diet restrictions and it is quite difficult, especially in India where wheat is the chief ingredient of most of the preparations. It can be a hidden ingredient in a few preparations such as soy sauce, ice cream, and hot dogs. 

Wheat allergy and celiac disease are similar in presentation but on the ground level, they are different. Wheat allergy is manifested when the body produces antibodies in response to the proteins present in wheat. However, in celiac disease, a particular protein present in wheat known as gluten initiates an overreaction from the body’s defense mechanism. 

Symptoms of Wheat Allergy

The symptoms of the condition develop within a few minutes to hours after consumption of some food items having wheat as an ingredient. The common signs and symptoms are:

  • Inflammation, itchiness, and irritation around mouth
  • Skin rashes or hives
  • Nasal obstruction
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea, vomiting, or stomach discomfort
  • Diarrhea
  • Sometimes a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis begins that includes difficulty in breathing, low blood pressure, cardiac symptoms, and sometimes loss of consciousness. 

Read Also:- Which Plants Should Avoid During Allergies in the USA?

Common Food Items that Can Initiate Wheat Allergy

If you think that you only need to avoid wheat chapatis in order to manage your wheat allergy then apologies but you are wrong. As wheat protein called gluten can be present in several food preparations such as:

  • Breads and  its crumbs
  • Bakery items like cakes and cookies
  • Cereals for breakfast
  • Pasta
  • Semolina
  • Soy sauce
  • Hot dogs
  • Ice cream
  • Natural flavoring agents
  • Food starch
  • Vegetable gums

Wheat Allergy: An Ayurvedic Perspective

Wheat is regarded as a common food allergen that can lead to vitiation of pitta dosha. The symptoms of wheat allergy comprises irritation of mucous membranes with a negative impact on the digestive system that includes gas formation, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Poor digestive fire or agni results in the formation of ama or toxins, these toxins accumulate and cause obstruction in micro-channels and also impact immunity. There is an imbalance in doshas and allergies can be correlated with the concept of asatmaya which means incompatible food items. Some food items like proteins present in wheat can be incompatible for some individuals based on their unique body constitution and current state of doshas balance. 

Ayurvedic Management of Wheat Allergies

The primary goal of treatment is to restore the doshas balance, reignite the digestive fire and remove the harmful toxins from the body. The ayurvedic management involves herbal or home remedies for wheat allergy, detoxification or panchkarma therapies, and diet and lifestyle modification. These therapies can largely improve the quality of life of the patient by limiting the allergic reactions. 

Home Remedies for Wheat Allergy

Some common and most effective home remedies for wheat allergy are:-

1. Bel Sharbat

Bilwa or bel have cooling properties and help to balance aggravated pitta dosha. Allergies occur due to vitiated pitta and kapha dosha and therefore bel sharbat is an excellent remedy that has cooling properties. This remedy is effective to manage gastrointestinal discomfort like nausea, vomiting, or gastric discomfort. 

2. Apples

“An apple a day keeps a doctor away”, is a famous quote that beautifully summarizes the qualities of apples. Apple is helpful to keep allergies away as apples are high in quercetin which is an effective ingredient that helps to manage allergies. Quercetin is also found in some other fruits and veggies such as berries, grapes, cauliflower, onions, and tomatoes. 

3. Fennel and Cumin Water

Fennel is an effective ayurvedic herb that helps to balance pitta dosha. You can prepare a herbal tea by adding 1 tsp of fennel seeds and ¾ tsp of cumin seeds in 2 glass of water and boil it till it reduces to 1 glass of water. This tea is digestive in nature and also help to prevent digestive symptoms like nausea or vomiting. 

4. Ginger

Ginger is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-allergic in nature. You can add ginger to regular tea, or vegetable curries or can also make herbal ginger tea by adding a small piece of ginger along with 1 inch cinnamon piece and 2-3 cardamom to a glass of water and boil it. You can add honey to it and drink it to beat wheat allergies. Ginger also helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents the overreaction of the immune system. 

5. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek or methi seeds also help to balance vata and pitta dosha and can help to manage allergies. You can add fenugreek seeds while cooking as a regular spice or you can soak 1 ⁄ 2 tsp of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight and sieve the mixture and drink it in the morning. 

6. Licorice

Licorice or mulethi has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to soothe the digestive system. You can chew a small piece of mulethi as it is also effective to manage respiratory symptoms like cold, runny nose, cough, and sore throat. Or else you can also prepare a herbal tea by adding licorice to a glass of water, boil it and drink it. 

7. Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds are effective to balance pitta dosha which is vitiated in case of allergies and it is considered as a cooling agent in Ayurveda. It can also be used as a regular spice while cooking or can be used as a herbal tea. 

8. Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurvedic diet is an individual diet plan based on your unique body constitution and current state of doshas imbalance. You can look for some alternatives to wheat such as rice, quinoa, millet and buckwheat. 

9. Probiotics

Include natural and ayurvedic probiotics such as curd, chachh and kanji as they promote healthy gut bacteria and reduce the inflammation inside the intestines. Moreover the fermented products also help to strengthen the immunity by improving intestinal health. 


Wheat allergy is a common condition that can greatly impact the quality of life of an individual. But, with the implementation of ayurvedic concepts and following herbal management, home remedies for wheat allergy, detoxification procedures if needed and diet and lifestyle modification one can effectively manage wheat allergies.

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