How to Buy Aged Gmail Accounts?

Aged Gmail Accounts

There are numerous offline and online purposes of using 2014 aged Gmail accounts. Many platforms sell aged Gmail accounts with location verification and many other features. This can significantly help you achieve business goals faster.

But the question is- how can you buy aged Gmail accounts? Many users have stopped using old Gmail accounts that they had created. As a result, companies and individuals can buy aged Gmail accounts from verified providers.

But before that, you need a guide on how to buy aged Gmail accounts easily. You are at the right place!

What Are Old or Aged Gmail Accounts?

Aged Gmail accounts are old accounts that have already been created. But users stop using them after a certain time, and they remain inactive. You can buy those aged Gmail accounts for many different company purposes.

You might consider buying aged Gmail accounts due to many reasons. Several benefits make old Gmail accounts stand out. Let’s have a look at them.

Benefits of getting old Gmail accounts

Gmail accounts are in huge demand in today’s digital marketing era. You can use old accounts to spread out your products and services to customers. The best thing about getting old Gmail accounts is that you can get them right after you purchase.

Another benefit of getting aged Gmail accounts is that they are more stable than new accounts. You can use old Gmail accounts from any location in the world. They are phone verified and have a high level of security too.

One of the major reasons why old Gmail accounts are trendy is that they are already verified. People had opened these accounts a long time ago. And Google has already legally verified them for use.

Things to Consider when Buying Aged Gmail Accounts

Buying aged Gmail accounts can be a straightforward procedure. But finding the right place to buy them can be difficult. We are here to make your life easier.

There are a few standards that you should check before contacting a service provider. These should be common in every place you can buy old Gmail accounts from.

Firstly, check the pricing. The overall cost should not be out of your reach before you purchase.

After that, a good service provider will offer you Phone Verified Accounts (PVA). It is essential for account security. It would be best if you also looked for a recovery email along with the bulk of old accounts. This way, even if there is any problem, the recovery email will store all the information.

Almost every service provider will deliver the accounts in an excel sheet. This is the most effective approach. Thus, make sure that your service provider ensures excel sheet delivery.

And on top of everything, 24/7 customer support is mandatory for any purchase. This will allow you to seek assistance immediately when there is an issue.

How to Buy Aged Gmail Accounts?

Buying old Gmail accounts is not very difficult. You can follow 4 simple steps to complete the purchase. Here they are:

Step 1

The first step is to find a suitable service provider to get the accounts. Make sure to checklist the considerations mentioned above before finalizing a platform. Once a service provider satisfies your demands, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2

This step involves finding out your suitable purchase plan. Since you are buying old Gmail accounts, determine how many you want to buy. Depending on the quantity, the prices will vary. Once you find the plan you are ready to buy, move to the 3rd step.

Step 3

You can begin this step by clicking on the “buy now” button of your desired plan. You will need to include different information like payment method, billing information, and delivery information. Make sure to fill out the information fields correctly.

Step 4

The last step of the process is just to complete the payment. Once you pay the amount, the service provider will deliver the accounts in an excel file. The delivery should come as soon as possible because the accounts are already prepared.

Thus, you have a bulk of aged Gmail accounts for your company.


Aged Gmail accounts are already Google verified. They are secured and provide a high level of privacy to the users. You will also be able to enjoy the different features of Google. As a result, all these will help you achieve greater success from email or digital marketing campaigns.

Many service providers are offering old Gmail accounts. You now know the steps on how to buy aged Gmail accounts. But make sure to take the considerations into account before choosing your service provider.


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By Admin

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